Thanks for taking the time to learn more about our award winning Boutique Show Garden
'Breath of Fresh Air'
Feel free to scroll down where you can learn more about how we created the garden, view images of the completed garden and learn more about the great group of people and businesses that helped bring it into being.
It was wonderful to team up with the guys at ACM Outdoors who have worked tirelessly to bring the garden to life.
We wanted to use the opportunity to create a dialog out how important even the smallest residential garden can be in our increasingly densely built city environments.
We can give so much back to the environment and ecosystems by leaving room for as much greenery as we can. So instead of maxing out each plot of land with the largest building we can muster, lets leave room in and around these buildings for gardens that can act as both functional enjoyable outdoor spaces while surrounding ourselves and our neighborhoods with plants and trees.
The central design ethos of our show garden involves an integration of abundant greenery. Simultaneously, architectural structures are conceived as unobtrusive sculptural arches. These arches, conceived with lightweight materials and permeable forms, maintain a harmonious dialogue with the surrounding environment. They function as both design elements and symbolic gateways, facilitating the interaction between vegetation and structure.
Beyond its aesthetic significance, the garden concept underscores the necessity for increased green space in our urban fabric. It speaks to our responsibility to craft cities and homes that breathe.
While symbolic the garden also alludes to spaces and pathways that might feature in a domestic setting with a key focus on creating an external space that one is drawn to explore and enjoy.